I remember when I started my fitness journey expecting to have transformed my body in 90 days & feeling disappointed when that didn't happen. The truth is that making change is HARD but there are certainly things we can do to either help or hinder your progress. What I did learn in those first 90 days was that consistent exercise boosted my energy and confidence, as well as improved my sleep and mindset, enough to continue on because I started to love the regular endorphin high & accomplishment that came with showing up. I began to fall in love with journey of fitness & before I knew it, my body did transform. This realization of change was profound. We CAN make change in our bodies.
If you're on your journey & working towards transformation - make sure you're not hindering your progress by making the 5 mistakes below.
As an online fitness trainer who has worked with thousands of women optimizing their body compositions, avoid these common mistakes I see regularly👇🏼